Drought Food Assistance Program
California’s Drought Food Assistance Program (DFAP) is a temporary food assistance program developed in response to the Governor’s Drought Emergency Declaration in January 2014. The DFAP provides food boxes to food banks in specified counties that suffer high levels of unemployment and underemployment as a result of the drought.
Merced County Food Bank’s Drought Food Assistance Program is a temporary program designed to provide food assistance to people in Merced County.

Below are answers to our most commonly asked questions about the Drought Food Assistance Program.
What type of documentation is needed to receive food assistance?
None, individuals receiving a food box will be asked to self-certify that they live in a household where drought conditions have caused their underemployment, unemployment or reduced their income.
What type of food will participants receive?
Food boxes are prepackaged, weigh approximately 30 pounds and contain nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food, designed to provide food for a household of four people for about five days. Contents of the food box commonly include: canned applesauce, carrots, green beans, corn, tomatoes, tomato sauce, vegetable and chicken noodle soup, peanut butter, pinto beans, rice, spaghetti and oatmeal.
Where can I get a food box?
Come to the Merced County Food Bank at 2000 West Olive Ave, Merced CA 95348 between 7:00am – 3:00pm (Mon-Fri) or call (209) 726-3663 for a distribution location near you. You can receive up to one box per week.